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1 - 선택된 옵션을 사용하면 모든의 대부분을 선호하는 것을 나타냅니다 :
  • 시장에서 경쟁자들을 완전히 승리로 이끄는 사령관
  • 높은 자격을 갖춘 관리자는 HR 관리 및 비즈니스 개발의 최신 최신 기술을 사용하여 결과를 달성합니다.
  • 프로젝트에 대한 질적으로 새로운 기여를 위해 지구촌 최고의 전문가를 통합하고 참여시키는 유연한 리더
  • 팀의 조화로운 업무를 보장하기 위해 기업 정책을 준수하는 전략가
  • 평화를 사랑하는 리더는 팀에 긍정적 인 분위기를 조성 할 수 있으며, 안정적인 결과를 달성하기 위해 모두가 따뜻한 지원을 제공합니다.
  • 분쟁을 해결하는 직원에게 보호와 지원을 제공하는 아버지는 최고 권위자로서
  • 리더는 통일 된 "지구촌"에서 모든 사람의 생존을위한 결정을 내립니다.
2 - 선택된 옵션은 1 변형 후 선호하는 것을 나타냅니다 :
  • 시장에서 경쟁자들을 완전히 승리로 이끄는 사령관
  • 높은 자격을 갖춘 관리자는 HR 관리 및 비즈니스 개발의 최신 최신 기술을 사용하여 결과를 달성합니다.
  • 프로젝트에 대한 질적으로 새로운 기여를 위해 지구촌 최고의 전문가를 통합하고 참여시키는 유연한 리더
  • 팀의 조화로운 업무를 보장하기 위해 기업 정책을 준수하는 전략가
  • 평화를 사랑하는 리더는 팀에 긍정적 인 분위기를 조성 할 수 있으며, 안정적인 결과를 달성하기 위해 모두가 따뜻한 지원을 제공합니다.
  • 분쟁을 해결하는 직원에게 보호와 지원을 제공하는 아버지는 최고 권위자로서
  • 리더는 통일 된 "지구촌"에서 모든 사람의 생존을위한 결정을 내립니다.
3 - 선택된 옵션은 2 변형 후 선호하는 것을 나타냅니다 :
  • 시장에서 경쟁자들을 완전히 승리로 이끄는 사령관
  • 높은 자격을 갖춘 관리자는 HR 관리 및 비즈니스 개발의 최신 최신 기술을 사용하여 결과를 달성합니다.
  • 프로젝트에 대한 질적으로 새로운 기여를 위해 지구촌 최고의 전문가를 통합하고 참여시키는 유연한 리더
  • 팀의 조화로운 업무를 보장하기 위해 기업 정책을 준수하는 전략가
  • 평화를 사랑하는 리더는 팀에 긍정적 인 분위기를 조성 할 수 있으며, 안정적인 결과를 달성하기 위해 모두가 따뜻한 지원을 제공합니다.
  • 분쟁을 해결하는 직원에게 보호와 지원을 제공하는 아버지는 최고 권위자로서
  • 리더는 통일 된 "지구촌"에서 모든 사람의 생존을위한 결정을 내립니다.

83758개 결과에서 170개 국가의 31989명에 대한 7931개의 고유한 행동 모델이 식별되었습니다.
개인 계정을 만들고 28개 VUCA 여론 조사에서 9191개의 공리 상관 관계에 무료로 액세스하고 피벗 테이블 분석 데모를 받으세요.

사람들이 우리에 대해 말하는 것
I like the test as a marker for my own growth and an indicator of where I can focus energy into where I can improve and be more self-aware. Thank you for making this available. A great marker for myself, though. (9★, Ben, I-T)
It is an interesting evaluation, all the more credible, as it gives a bell curve, indicating a progressive concentration of preferences around a point (rather than a random/chaotic distribution), which is a good sign regarding psychometric quality. (9★, Cyril, I-Y)
It's cool and interesting! And explains a lot, actually )). (10★, Dasha, I-YT)
The test compares favorably with other tests for other services; it is complete, voluminous, and aimed at different probabilities. Thank you! (10★, Lenar, R-OGT)
A straightforward test with helpful information to interpret the results. It's not a perfect representation, but definitely good enough. It gives people a view into themselves and Spiral Dynamics, which could spark an interest to learn more. (10★, Zach, I-YT)
Better explanation of the meaning of results. (8★, Sergio, R-Y)
It's nice, and not too long. (10★, Ekl, I-Y)
To gain a general idea of where the organization stands. (9★, Freeman, R-GT)
It is interesting and detailed, and it is different from a personality test. (9★, John, R-Y)
Questions that make you think. (10★, Gala, I-Y)
I enjoyed the thoroughness of the assessment. (10★, Delta, R-BG)
The test is straightforward yet dynamic enough to capture my beliefs/feelings/thoughts, or whatever. I don't feel boxed into any answers. The chart is very nice, showing a lot of information easily. (10★, Zach, I-T)
It is a free service that helps me better understand how my brain and thinking work. (10★, Rocco, R-GT)
A simple way to get started on values alignment (9★, Ali, R-B)
It is helpful for everyone to come to terms with themselves in order to understand themselves better. (10★, Sebastian, I-T)
It's cool and interesting. (17★, Vlad, R-B)
I have been working with Spiral Dynamics as a team coach for a long time. I think the evaluation is great. I've already shown it to my manager and he also happily accepted the offer. Let's see whether this becomes established internally for us. (10★, Campo, R-GT)
Excellent test, quick, well formulated and explanatory. Thank you for this beautiful work. (10★, Fabrice, I-GY)
It is an easy way to get access to the SD complex. Thank you very much. (10★, Tanja, R-T)
Really great assessment and solid insight! (10★, Rory, I-T)
Objective, simple, fast. (10★, Antonio, R-PBOY)
It will be difficult to stroke your ego with turquoise on purpose. Thanks for the test. (10★, goodposture, R-T)
The result resonates with what I identified myself with before taking the test so I felt proud that I know myself. (10★, Aladden, I-Y)
I like the model because it gives some basic understanding of consciousness development, which can be useful for educational purposes. (9★, Boris, I-T)
Excellent SD Assessment! (10★, Claudia, I-Y)
The WOW effect, the structure, and the process. Well done! (10★, Daniela, I-YT)
Very easy to understand and perform test! Seems quite accurate too. (10★, Todd, R-T)
Looking for a test like this to share with others. Love how this is put together. Will be directing friends and allies here shortly! (10★, Cody, I-YT)
I believe self-awareness is key to having productive interactions and good relationships, thus, I’d recommend that someone take this test as a way to increase their self-awareness. (10★, Denise, I-T)
I appreciate how complete was the test and the explanation. Thank you! (10★, Marina, I-T)
I think this asssessment has captured me, and I have a sense that I can do something about it. (10★, MacDonald, RI-OT)
When coaching this helps to get a better perspective on your client and the levels in which they operate. (10★, Cindy, I-T)
I would recommend the test to anyone who doesn't already know the model... Otherwise, it is possible to try to figure out wich colour is wich answer and adapt your results to what you wish be. Nevertheless the long explaination is really great, I enjoyed it a lot! (10★, Julie, RI-T)
This test is a lovely litmus of a qualitative aspect of growth. It has helped me understand how I can lead and cultivate my organization into a more integrated system to serve our ideals. (10★, Rachael, I-T)
The test is very similar to the one you are asked to take when applying for a job in a unique service. It will not be possible to deceive because the answers to the questions are composed in one semantic load with slight nuances that are not noticeable to the test participant. You have to choose answers on a subconscious level. Accordingly, the personality and qualities of a person are revealed in more detail, as well as the knowledge that he possesses. (10★, Victor, R-BGY)
It is the first such test I have seen, it was free, and I think more knowledge of SD would be useful to everyone’s development if they have the interest to look into it. (10★, Julie, I-YT)
I think Spiral Dynamics understandings are vital to the positive progression of human kind. I thank you for your site here and all your hard work. (10★, Bobby, I-T)
A description of the results helps to explain the quantitative data provided by the graph. Otherwise, this test was easy to grasp and insightful. (7★, Callista, R-Y)
Easy of use, free! (9★, Anton, R-OY)
The testing gives an indication of intentions, values, and personal attuning to larger dynamic forces. (10★, David, I-YT)
Based on the article on Spiral Dynamics, I am beginning to understand why it was not easy for me to “fit in” at a particular company. I see a systematic approach; in this test, you can better understand your mistakes in finding a job and the reason for dismissals, for example. (10★, Olga, R-O)
Some of the English felt a little choppy, but this overall seems like an excellent introduction for a person into where they fall on the spiral. What I'll also add is that I'd be interested in seeing coral integrated into this in the future, though I realize turquoise is already shaky enough as it is right now. (9★, Kelvin, I-Y)
I found it very useful and effective leadershio and manager tool. This is a nice way to check your leadership and management effectiveness periodically. Very simple tool with analytical explanations. I will certainly recommend it to anyone who wants to check his leadership and management dynamic. (10★, Konstantinos, I-T)
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