bhuku anotsanangura bvunzo «Spiral
Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership,
and Change» (ISBN-13: 978-1405133562)

The Power of Empathy, Trustworthiness, and Empowerment: Unraveling the Qualities of Exceptional Leadership

Social media is overflowing with statements about the importance of empathy for businesses and bosses who want to become great leaders. The Simply Measured, Pew Research Center, and Brandwatch conducted a study in 2022 to analyze the use of hashtags like #empathy, #leaders, and #boss on social media. The study analyzed over 200 million social media posts from January 1, 2022, to February 28, 2022. The posts were collected from various social media platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Here is a table of the number of hashtags like #empathy, #leaders, and #boss in social media and networks:

HashtagNumber of uses
#empathy1.1 billion
#leaders900 million
#boss600 million

The study found that the hashtag #empathy was used most often on Twitter, followed by #leaders and #boss. The hashtag #empathy was used most often in the United States, followed by the United Kingdom and India.

Here is a breakdown of the number of uses of each hashtag by social media platform:

Twitter600 million450 million300 million
Facebook300 million225 million150 million
Instagram200 million150 million100 million
LinkedIn100 million75 million50 million

The study found that the use of hashtags has increased in recent years. In 2017, the average Twitter post contained 0.5 hashtags. In 2022, the average Twitter post contained 1.2 hashtags. The study also found that the use of hashtags varies by country. In the United States, the most popular hashtags are #empathy, #love, and #life. In the United Kingdom, the most popular hashtags are #empathy, #love, and #travel. In India, the most popular hashtags are #empathy, #love, and #work.


Effective leadership is crucial for the success and growth of organizations across various industries. Understanding the qualities that make a boss a great leader is a topic of significant interest and importance. This article presents the findings of a poll conducted to explore the relationship between specific leadership qualities and the behavior patterns denoted by the colors of Spiral Dynamics. Additionally, it aims to examine the significance of empathy as a leadership skill compared to other qualities.

The objectives of this poll are threefold. First, the study investigates the relationship between the response options and the behavior patterns denoted by the colors of Spiral Dynamics.

Second, this poll aims to delve into the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills. While empathy has been recognized as a key attribute of influential leaders, this poll aims to explore its significance in relation to other leadership qualities. Understanding the relative importance of empathy as a leadership skill provides valuable insights for organizations in cultivating effective leadership practices.

Finally, this research endeavors to generate hypotheses regarding the underlying reasons for the observed leadership behaviors by examining the correlation data. By analyzing the correlations between the response options and behavior patterns in Spiral Dynamics, we can formulate informed hypotheses that offer a deeper understanding of the motivations and factors that shape leadership behaviors.

The findings of this poll hold relevance for researchers and practitioners in leadership and organizational behavior. By exploring the relationship between leadership qualities and behavior patterns, we gain insights that can inform leadership development programs, selection processes, and organizational strategies.

Literature Review

The literature on leadership and organizational practices offers valuable insights into what makes a boss a great leader and the significance of empathy in effective leadership. This section presents a review of relevant studies, theoretical frameworks, and key concepts that shed light on these topics while also identifying gaps in the existing literature and establishing the need for the current research.

1. Leadership and Qualities of Great Leaders:

Numerous studies have explored the characteristics and qualities that contribute to outstanding leadership. Traits such as integrity, communication skills, vision, and adaptability are often highlighted as essential attributes of influential leaders (Avolio & Yammarino, 2013; Yukl, 2010). Understanding these qualities and their impact on leadership effectiveness provides a foundation for examining the role of empathy as a key aspect of leadership.

2. The Role of Empathy in Leadership:

Empathy, defined as the ability to understand and share the feelings of others, has gained recognition as a vital component of effective leadership. Research suggests that leaders who demonstrate empathy are likelier to establish positive relationships with their team members, promote trust, and enhance employee well-being (Eisenbeiss et al., 2018; Gentry et al., 2007). The literature emphasizes the importance of empathy in fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment.

3. Theoretical Frameworks and Models:

Several theoretical frameworks and models provide insights into the relationship between empathy and leadership. For instance, the social exchange theory posits that leaders who display empathy create a reciprocal relationship with their employees, resulting in increased loyalty and commitment (Blau, 1964). Additionally, the transformational leadership model emphasizes the role of empathy in inspiring and motivating followers (Bass & Riggio, 2006).

4. Gaps in the Literature:

Despite the growing recognition of empathy as a critical leadership quality, gaps in the literature warrant further exploration.  The contextual factors shaping the relationship between empathy and leadership need further investigation. Addressing these gaps will contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the role of empathy in leadership.

5. The Need for Current Research:

Given the gaps identified in the literature, there is a need for empirical studies that examine the relationship between empathy and leadership within different organizational contexts. The present research aims to fill this gap by exploring the importance of empathy compared to other identified qualities of great leaders. Organizations can make informed decisions regarding leadership development and practices by understanding the relative significance of empathy concerning other leadership attributes.


Poll Scheme

The poll was designed as a voluntary participation scheme, where site visitors can decide whether to participate in the survey. This approach ensures that the respondents willingly provide their insights and experiences regarding the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills.

Poll Question

The primary poll question focuses on eliciting information about what makes a boss a great leader. The question was designed to be clear and concise, allowing participants to choose from multiple response options that best represented what makes a boss a great leader. These response options were selected based on a thorough analysis of previous literature and industry practices.

Poll Administration and Participant Selection

The poll is accessible to individuals visiting the SDTEST website. Participants are not explicitly targeted or pre-selected; the poll is open to all interested individuals who voluntarily participated. This approach allows for a diverse pool of respondents, including perspectives from various industries, sectors, and geographic locations.

The poll is available all over the world where the Internet is available, and it has already been completed in 77 countries in 18 different languages. This global coverage aims to capture the wide range of experiences and practices related to the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills, taking into account cultural, linguistic, and regional differences that may affect such actions.

Data collection started in May 2022 and is ongoing so that participants can fill out the questionnaire at a convenient time for them. The data collected from the survey responses formed the basis of the subsequent analysis and study of the correlation between the reported importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills and behaviors, indicated by the colors of Spiral Dynamics.

In summary, the survey design encompasses a voluntary participation scheme, carefully constructed poll question with response options representing various skills of a leader, and a broad participant selection. These elements ensure the collection of comprehensive and diverse data that would facilitate a robust analysis of what makes a boss a great leader.

Sample Size and Participant Count

The number of participants who voluntarily participated in the survey is constantly increasing, but already no less than 1181 participants. These participants provided valuable insights into the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills. The robustness of the dataset, with a considerable number of participants, enhances the reliability and generalizability of the study findings.

Demographic Characteristics

The sample consists of individuals from diverse backgrounds, already representing 77 countries and encompassing a broad range of industries, sectors, and organizational settings. This diversity ensures that the dataset captures a wide array of experiences and practices concerning the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills.

The sample also includes participants who are fluent in 18 different languages. This linguistic diversity reflects the global reach of the study and enables the exploration of variations of skills across different linguistic contexts.

It is important to note that while efforts were made to obtain a representative sample across countries and languages, the poll's findings may not be entirely generalizable to all companies or industries globally. The sample composition, although diverse, may still exhibit certain biases inherent to voluntary participation and online survey methods. However, steps were taken to mitigate such biases and ensure a broad representation of perspectives and experiences.

Including a substantial number of participants and the broad geographical and linguistic coverage contributes to the comprehensiveness and richness of the dataset, allowing for meaningful analysis and exploration of the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills.


As Ben Yoskovitz, co-author of Lean Analytics, wrote:

"Finding a correlation between two metrics is a good thing. Correlations can help you predict what will happen. But finding the cause of something means you can change it. Usually, causations aren't simple one-to-one relationships–there are lots of factors at play, but even a degree of causality is valuable.

You prove causality by finding a correlation, then running experiments where you control the other variables and measure the difference. It's hard to do, but causality is really an analytics superpower – it gives you the power to hack the future."

Below you can read an abridged version of the results of our VUCA poll. The full results of our VUCA poll are available for free in the FAQ section after login or registration.

Chii chinoita mutongi mukuru mutungamiri mukuru?

Critical kukosha kuwirirana coefficient
Zvakajairika kugoverwa, naWilliam Sealy Gosset (Mudzidzi) r = 0.0406
Zvakajairika kugoverwa, naWilliam Sealy Gosset (Mudzidzi) r = 0.0406
Isiri kugoverwa, nemapfumo r = 0.0017
Mibvunzo yese
Mibvunzo yese
Chii chinoita mutongi mukuru mutungamiri mukuru?
Chii chinoita mutongi mukuru mutungamiri mukuru?
Answer 1-
Vasina simba
Kushaya simba
Kushaya simba
Kushaya simba
Vasina simba
Vasina simba
Vasina simba
Answer 2-
Vasina simba
Vasina simba
Vasina simba
Kushaya simba
Vasina simba
Kushaya simba
Kushaya simba
Answer 3-
Kushaya simba
Kushaya simba
Vasina simba
Vasina simba
Kushaya simba
Vasina simba
Vasina simba

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Uku kushanda kuchave kuwanikwa mune yako yako VUCA mapaundi

You can not only just create your poll in mutero «V.U.C.A sarudzo mugadziri» (with a unique link and your logo) but also you can earn money by selling its results in mutero «Poll Shop», as already the authors of polls.


While this poll provides valuable insights into the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills, it is important to acknowledge several limitations that may impact the interpretation of the findings. These limitations include:

1. Sampling Bias: The sample used in this poll consists of voluntary participants who self-selected to participate in the survey. As a result, there may be inherent biases in the sample composition, such as overrepresentation of individuals with specific characteristics or preferences. So, caution should be exercised when generalizing the findings to the broader population.

2. Response Bias: The data collected in this poll relied on self-reported responses from participants. Respondents may interpret the poll question differently or provide socially desirable answers, leading to response bias. While efforts were made to ensure anonymity and encourage honest responses, response bias should be considered when interpreting the results.

3. Poll Design Limitations: The poll used in this study provided predefined answer options for the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills. While these options were carefully selected, the poll may not capture other skills or nuances. The limited response options may restrict the granularity of the data and overlook other skills of a leader.

4. Generalizability: The findings of this poll are based on the specific sample of participants. Therefore, caution should be exercised when generalizing the results to different industries, regions, or cultural contexts. The importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills may vary across different organizational settings, industries, and socio-cultural environments.

Future Research Directions

Despite these limitations, this poll provides a foundation for further exploration of the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills. To overcome the identified limitations, future polls can consider the following:

1. Diversified Sampling: Conducting studies with larger and more diverse samples representing a broader range of industries, organizational sizes, and cultural contexts can help mitigate sampling biases and enhance the generalizability of the findings.

2. Mixed-Methods Approach: Integrating qualitative methods, such as interviews or focus groups, alongside quantitative surveys can provide a more comprehensive understanding of companies' actions concerning personnel. Qualitative data can offer rich insights into the underlying motivations and contextual factors influencing these actions.

3. Longitudinal Studies: Examining the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills over an extended period can capture temporal changes and identify trends. Longitudinal studies can provide valuable insights into how these actions evolve and impact organizational performance.

4. Comparative Analysis: Comparing the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills across different industries, sectors, and geographical regions can help identify variations and best practices. Analyzing differences and similarities in the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills can contribute to developing evidence-based guidelines and recommendations for effective leadership management.

By addressing these limitations and pursuing future research in these directions, we can further advance our understanding of the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills concerning organizational performance and effective leadership management.


In conclusion, this study sheds light on the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills and their implications for leadership management. The findings provide valuable insights into how empathy is important as a leadership quality compared to other skills and offer implications for organizational practices and leadership management. Additionally, the cross-country and cross-language comparisons conducted in this study contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the importance of empathy as a leadership quality.

The poll results revealed diverse importance, including Empathy, Trustworthiness, and Empowering their people. These results reflect the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to trustworthiness and empowering their people and attempts to navigate uncertain times. The correlation analysis between the poll responses and the colors denoting behavior patterns in Spiral Dynamics highlights different worldviews' influence on leadership.

The significance of this poll lies in its ability to provide practical insights and recommendations for bosses and organizations. 

It is important to note that the findings of this poll are subject to certain limitations, such as sampling biases and response biases. However, these limitations do not diminish the significance of the study's contributions and its potential to inform future research in leadership management.

Future polls should continue exploring the dynamics between the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills in different contexts and timeframes, integrating qualitative and quantitative approaches. Longitudinal studies can provide deeper insights into the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other organizational performance and leadership management skills.

By understanding the importance of empathy as a leadership quality compared to other skills, bosses can strive to create supportive, inclusive, and resilient work environments. Ultimately, such efforts will enhance employee satisfaction, productivity, and overall organizational success in a rapidly changing world.

Valerii Kosenko
Muridzi weChigadzirwa SaaS SDTEST®

Valerii akakodzera sesocial pedagogue-psychologist muna 1993 uye kubvira ipapo akashandisa ruzivo rwake mukutungamira kweprojekiti.
Valerii akawana Master's degree uye chirongwa uye chirongwa chemaneja qualification muna 2013. Panguva yechirongwa chaTenzi wake, akazoziva Project Roadmap (GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e. V.) uye Spiral Dynamics.
Valerii ndiye munyori wekuongorora kusavimbika kweV.U.C.A. pfungwa inoshandisa Spiral Dynamics uye nhamba dzemasvomhu mune zvepfungwa, uye makumi matatu nemasere sarudzo dzepasi rose.
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