basahon base pagsulay «Spiral Dynamics:
Mastering Values, Leadership, and
Change» (ISBN-13: 978-1405133562)

Connecting to All Mindsets: Spiral Dynamics HR OKRs that Motivate and Align

How do human resource (HR) professionals develop objectives and key results (OKRs) aligned with Spiral Dynamics to boost employee engagement and business performance? We provide background on the Balanced Scorecard, OKRs, and Spiral Dynamics frameworks. The article gives examples of Spiral Dynamics focused OKRs for 11 key HR areas and matches them to relevant polls that can track progress. It emphasizes the importance of tying HR OKRs to motivations at each Spiral Dynamics stage to create a comprehensive set of objectives that engage employees across the developmental spectrum. This approach to goal setting and measurement allows HR to execute tailored initiatives that align, motivate, and meet the needs of all employees, ultimately driving greater engagement, productivity, and organizational success.


HR plays a critical role in executing strategic goals and enabling organizational performance. HR needs to translate high-level plans into specific, measurable objectives and key results to do this effectively. OKRs provide a straightforward technique for defining the outcomes HR must achieve. However, simply setting generic OKRs is not enough. HR objectives need to resonate with employees at all stages of development. This is where incorporating Spiral Dynamics into the design of HR OKRs is invaluable.

Spiral Dynamics recognizes that human motivations and values evolve through levels over time. HR initiatives that only appeal to one or two developmental stages will fail to meet the needs of the entire employee population. By aligning OKRs to the core motivations at each of the eight Spiral Dynamics stages, HR can craft a spectrum of objectives that covers the full range of values in any workforce.

For example, an organization may have the following high-level strategic objective around improving workforce capability:

Strategic Objective:

Develop a highly skilled, motivated, and engaged workforce.

HR could then develop OKRs tailored to each Spiral Dynamics level:

  1. Beige - Provide training on core job skills to reduce skill gaps
  2. Purple - Foster camaraderie through collaborative training workshops
  3. Red - Offer management skills training to provide advancement opportunities
  4. Blue - Standardize training programs across the organization
  5. Orange - Provide sales skills training to increase performance metrics
  6. Green - Make training inclusive and collaborative across all groups
  7. Yellow - Enable self-directed online learning opportunities
  8. Turquoise - Offer mindfulness and ethics training to find greater meaning

This results in objectives and key results aligned with motivations at each stage of development. By layering initiatives tailored to different mindsets, HR builds comprehensive and inclusive goals to drive engagement and capability across the workforce.

The article will demonstrate how this approach of aligning HR OKRs to Spiral Dynamics can be applied across all significant HR domains, supported by relevant metrics. This creates a robust framework for motivating employees at all stages and enabling organizational success.

Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

The Balanced Scorecard is a strategic management system that helps organizations track progress toward goals. It was developed in the early 1990s by Drs. Robert Kaplan and David Norton. 

The Balanced Scorecard looks at an organization's performance across four key perspectives:

  1. - Financial - How do we look to shareholders? This could include metrics like revenue growth, profitability, and return on investment.
  2. - Customer - How do customers see us? This could include metrics like satisfaction, retention, and market share. 
  3. - Internal Business Processes - What processes must we excel at? This could include metrics like production efficiency, innovation, and operational excellence.
  4. - Learning and Growth - How can we continue to improve? This could include metrics like employee training, corporate culture, and information systems.

The Balanced Scorecard helps organizations track both financial and non-financial metrics across these four perspectives. This provides a balanced view of the health and strategy execution of the business.

Some key principles of the Balanced Scorecard:

  • - It translates high-level strategy into specific, measurable goals
  • - It balances short and long-term objectives 
  • - It measures performance across the key perspectives 
  • - It aligns initiatives across departments and functions
  • - It connects the work employees do to the overall vision

The Balanced Scorecard is a holistic framework that helps organizations track progress across all areas that drive performance. It provides a balanced set of metrics so that financial measures are not viewed in isolation to measure success.

Objectives and Key Results (OKR)

OKRs are a goal-setting framework used by many companies. They were pioneered by Intel and then popularized by Google. 

OKRs focus on defining:

Objectives - The qualitative goal you want to accomplish. This should be inspirational, meaningful, and challenging.

Key Results - The quantitative metrics to measure progress towards the objective. These should be specific, measurable, time-bound indicators. 

Some key principles of OKRs:

  • They encourage ambitious goals and stretch thinking. Objectives should push teams out of their comfort zone.
  • They prioritize the most important initiatives. Companies define just 3-5 key objectives per cycle. 
  • They improve alignment. OKRs connect team goals to overall company goals.
  • They increase transparency. OKRs and results are shared openly across the organization.
  • They facilitate continuous improvement. Key results are re-evaluated and updated frequently.

In practice, companies set OKRs on a quarterly or annual basis. Progress is tracked continuously via the key results. OKRs drive focus, engagement, and productivity towards measurable outcomes.

In summary, OKRs are a simple yet powerful framework to set strategic goals, track progress quantitatively, and motivate ongoing improvement. They help align the organization around common objectives and metrics.

BSC and OKRs

The Balanced Scorecard and OKRs are tools used to help organizations define and track strategic goals. While they share some similarities, there are also some key differences:

  • The Balanced Scorecard takes a broader view with goals across four perspectives - financial, customer, internal, and learning/growth. OKRs focus on defining a smaller number of key objectives and measurable results.
  • The Balanced Scorecard methodology provides a framework to translate high-level strategy into goals and metrics. OKRs don't have an underlying methodology; they are just a simple goal-setting technique.
  • The Balanced Scorecard balances short-term and long-term goals. OKRs are often set quarterly or annually, with a shorter-term focus. 
  • The Balanced Scorecard tracks both performance drivers and outcomes. OKRs focus purely on the outcomes, the measurable results.
  • The Balanced Scorecard shows cause and effect linkages between goals in different perspectives. OKRs do not aim to show these connections between objectives.

So, in summary:

  • The Balanced Scorecard provides a robust strategic management system to set, link, and track a diverse set of goals. 
  • OKRs offer a straightforward technique to define and monitor objectives and key results. 
  • Organizations can use both together - setting company-level goals via the Balanced Scorecard methodology and then using OKRs to define departmental objectives aligned to those high-level goals.

Here is an example to show how a Balanced Scorecard learning and growth goal could cascade into specific OKRs forLearning & Growth Perspective

Goal: Develop a highly skilled and motivated workforce

This goal could then cascade into the following OKRs:

Objective: Improve employee engagement scores

Key Results: 

  • Increase employee satisfaction survey engagement score from 60% to 75% by the end of Q3
  • Reduce employee turnover rate from 15% to 10% by end of Q4

Objective: Expand leadership training programs

Key Results:

  • Launch a new emerging leaders program with 30 participants by the end of Q2 
  • Ensure all people managers attend leadership training by the end of Q3

Objective: Strengthen internal communications

Key Results:

  • Increase employee awareness of company values to 90% by the end of Q1
  • Reduce email open rates by 5% through effective use of a new intranet 
  • Double employee town hall participation to 50% by the end of Q2

So, in summary, the high-level Balanced Scorecard goal focused on "workforce development" can be cascaded down into specific OKRs to improve engagement, leadership training, and communication. The OKR key results provide measurable indicators of progress against those objectives.

BSC, OKRs and Spiral Dynamics

Spiral Dynamics is a theory that human development and values have different stages. It categorizes people into eight levels:

  1. Beige - basic survival 
  2. Purple - safety and security
  3. Red - power and achievement
  4. Blue - structure and order
  5. Orange - Independence and success
  6. Green - caring and community
  7. Yellow - flexibility and learning
  8. Turquoise - holistic living and purpose

When creating a Balanced Scorecard and OKRs, considering Spiral Dynamics can help ensure your goals resonate with and motivate employees at different development levels.

For example, when cascading a goal around improving customer satisfaction:

  • Beige motivations mean setting OKRs around basic customer needs to be met.
  • Blue motivations mean setting OKRs around process consistency.
  • Orange motivations mean setting OKRs around customer satisfaction ratings and rewards.

The figure shows a three-dimensional model of the BSC with 4 perspectives on the upper plane. The fourth perspective of Learning and Growth is presented in the form of eight stages of Spiral Dynamics that the company's personnel go through. The second plane depicts the third perspective of the Internal Business Processes that people perform to create value for the Customer. The quality of staff execution of Internal Business Processes affects the first perspective of Financial. The third plane depicts the fourth Learning and Growth perspective in the form of eight stages of Spiral Dynamics that the company's personnel go through. Everything depends on people and on the correct use of the energy of their natural motivation for each of their development in the ever-changing environment of VUСA world.

This allows you to create a spectrum of objectives and key results tailored to motivations across the Spiral Dynamics levels.

In summary, factoring in Spiral Dynamics when developing your Balanced Scorecard and OKRs helps ensure your goals will speak to employees at all stages of development. It results in a more comprehensive and motivational plans tailored to each mindset and value system.

Develop OKRs for HR based on Spiral Dynamics (SD)

So you understand the importance of using Spiral Dynamics to develop OKRs for HR in line with the company's strategy in the form of BSC. To develop your OKRs for HR, you only need to follow two steps:

1) Find out your company's SD profile, which consists of the individual employees' SD profile.

We recommend to use thTaripa «Survey» for this point, all results in one place, export to MS Excel.

2) Select (adapt if necessary) OKRs for HR from the list in the next chapter and set their respective values and times.

Spiral Dynamics’s OKRs for 11 HR areas

Here is an example of a list of OKRs across the 11 HR areas:

  1. Talent Acquisition
  2. Talent Management
  3. Performance Management
  4. Compensation & Benefits
  5. Learning & Development
  6. Organizational Culture
  7. Employee Relations
  8. Employee Retention
  9. DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging)
  10. HR Compliance
  11. Employee Wellness

 for each of the eight stages of Spiral Dynamics.

1. Talent Acquisition

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesThis objective is focused onThis could be done byKey Results
1BeigeProvide basic safety and security needs through stable compensation and benefitsFulfilling basic needsHighlighting job security and benefitsReduce voluntary turnover rate by 5%
2PurpleFoster a sense of belonging by highlighting team bonding opportunitiesBuilding communityDescribing team activities and social eventsIncrease team satisfaction score by 10%
3RedEnable achieving power and status through advancement opportunitiesGaining statusPromoting career growth opportunitiesIncrease internal promotions by 20%
4BlueAlign recruiting process to organizational rules and normsMaintaining orderFollowing structured, consistent hiring processesImprove offer to acceptance ratio by 15%
5OrangeIncentivize top talent by offering merit-based rewardsAchievement and successTouting bonuses, merit increases, incentivesIncrease applications from top tier talent by 30%
6GreenCreate an inclusive and diverse workforceEquality and diversitySeeking diverse candidates, valuing unique talentsIncrease diversity hires by 25%
7YellowProvide flexibility and autonomy in rolesIndependence and freedomOffering flexible schedules, remote work, customized rolesReduce recruiter workload by 20% via personalized approaches
8TurquoiseConnect work to a higher purposeMeaning and purposeDescribing how the work contributes to societyIncrease candidate pool resonance with company purpose by 40%

2. Talent Management

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesThis objective is focused onThis could be done byKey Results
1BeigeProvide stable and secure employmentBasic needsOffering job security and stabilityReduce involuntary turnover by 10%
2PurpleFoster strong team bonds and sense of belongingCommunityFacilitating team building activitiesIncrease team satisfaction score by 15%
3RedOffer opportunities to gain status and recognitionEsteemProviding awards and promotionsIncrease rate of high performers by 20%
4BlueCreate clear roles, responsibilities and processesOrderDocumenting procedures and policiesImprove policy awareness score by 30%
5OrangeIncentivize top talent through rewards and advancementAchievementProviding bonuses and fast-track programsIncrease engagement of top performers by 25%
6GreenMake work inclusive and accepting of all peopleEqualityProviding diversity and inclusion trainingImprove perceived inclusion score by 20%
7YellowProvide autonomy and flexibility in how work gets doneIndependenceOffering flexible schedules and remote workIncrease employee autonomy score by 15%
8TurquoiseConnect employees' talents to meaningful outcomesPurposeLinking work to company vision and social goodIncrease purpose alignment score by 40%

3. Performance Management

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesThis objective is focused onThis could be done byKey Results
1BeigeProvide stable expectations and evaluationsBasic needsHaving predictable review cyclesReduce negative feedback in reviews by 10%
2PurpleMake reviews a collaborative team processBelongingInvolving peer feedbackIncrease participation in peer reviews by 20%
3RedLink reviews to status, awards and recognitionEsteemIntegrating performance ratings with rewardsIncrease reviews scored as top performer by 15%
4BlueConduct structured, standardized reviewsOrderUsing consistent review templatesEnsure 100% review compliance
5OrangeSet measurable goals tied to incentivesAchievementProviding merit bonuses for goal attainmentIncrease reviews rating exceeded goals by 25%
6GreenDeliver feedback with empathy and supportAcceptanceTraining managers on compassionate communicationImprove perceived fairness of reviews by 30%
7YellowCustomize reviews to individual talents and needsIndependenceAllowing self-designed review frameworksIncrease review creativity scores by 20%
8TurquoiseAlign reviews to employee growth and purposePurposeDiscussing life goals beyond workIncrease review purpose alignment score by 45%

4. Compensation & Benefits

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesThis objective is focused onThis could be done byKey Results
1BeigeProvide fair pay that covers basic needsSecurityOffering living wagesReduce voluntary turnover due to pay by 10%
2PurpleMake benefits inclusive of family and dependentsBelongingExtending benefits to family membersIncrease family satisfaction with benefits by 15%
3RedLink pay to status, titles and recognitionEsteemOffering prestigious job titles and awardsIncrease share of compensation from bonuses and incentives by 20%
4BlueMaintain consistent, standardized pay structuresOrderDocumenting clear compensation rulesEnsure 100% pay equity compliance
5OrangePay for performance and goal achievementAchievementProviding merit increases and bonusesIncrease reviews rating exceeded goals by 25%
6GreenEnsure compensation is fair and equitableEqualityConducting equity studies, transparent payImprove perceived pay fairness scores by 30%
7YellowCustomize rewards to individual needsFreedomProviding cafeteria benefits plansIncrease benefits personalization by 20%
8TurquoiseAlign rewards to employee growth and well-beingPurposeOffering paid sabbaticals and growth opportunitiesIncrease reviews rating compensation supports development by 40%

5. Learning & Development

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesThis objective is focused onThis could be done byKey Results
1BeigeProvide job skills training for securitySafetyOffering basic job skills coursesReduce skill gaps by 10%
2PurpleFoster camaraderie through group trainingsBelongingFacilitating team workshopsIncrease training participation by 20%
3RedLink learning to promotions and advancementStatusProviding management skills for promotionIncrease eligible candidates for promotion by 15%
4BlueStandardize training programs company-wideOrderDocumenting consistent programsEnsure 100% completion of required training
5OrangeDevelop skills for optimal performanceAchievementOffering sales, and productivity coursesIncrease performance metrics by 25%
6GreenMake learning inclusive and collaborativeEqualityFacilitating diverse sharing and growthImprove inclusion rating of training by 30%
7YellowProvide self-directed learning opportunitiesFreedomOffering access to online courses and budgetsIncrease self-directed learning by 20%
8TurquoiseAlign learning to purpose and meaningPurposeProviding courses on ethics, mindfulnessIncrease training fulfillment score by 40%

6. Organizational Culture

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesThis objective is focused onThis could be done byKey Results
1BeigeProvide a predictable, stable work environmentSafetyMaintaining consistent routinesReduce uncertainty perception by 10%
2PurpleBuild social solid connections and group identityBelongingFacilitating team building activitiesIncrease connection score by 15%
3RedRecognize achievements publiclyEsteemSpotlighting awards and successesIncrease frequency of recognition by 20%
4BlueAlign culture to core valuesOrderDefining and communicating valuesImprove values awareness by 30%
5OrangeFoster a competitive, results-driven cultureAchievementProviding contests, leaderboardsIncrease performance metrics by 25%
6GreenMake the culture open and inclusiveEqualityPromoting diversity and collaborationImprove inclusion rating by 20%
7YellowProvide flexibility and freedom in how work is doneAutonomyOffering flexible schedules and locationsIncrease autonomy rating by 15%
8TurquoiseConnect work culture to higher purposePurposeDescribing societal impactIncrease sense of purpose at work by 40%

7. Employee Relations

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesThis objective is focused onThis could be done byKey Results
1BeigeProvide basic security through apparent workplace policiesSafetyDocumenting clear, simple policiesReduce policy violations by 10%
2PurpleFoster close connections between co-workersBelongingFacilitating team building activitiesIncrease teammate connection score by 15%
3RedPraise leaders publicly for resolving conflictsStatusSpotlighting successful mediationsIncrease conflict resolution success by 20%
4BlueAlign conflict resolution process to core valuesOrderUsing a standardised resolution processResolve 90% of conflicts within policy
5OrangeIncentivize managers to minimise conflictsResultsProviding rewards for low complaint ratesReduce complaints by 25%
6GreenResolve conflicts through open communicationEqualityTraining in nonviolent communicationIncrease perceived conflict fairness by 30%
7YellowCustomize resolution process to individual conflictsFreedomAllowing flexible mediation approachesIncrease satisfaction with the resolution process by 20%
8TurquoiseTreat conflict resolution as opportunities for growthPurposeFacilitating reconciliation and forgivenessIncrease the perceived value in resolutions by 40%

8. Employee Retention

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesThis objective is focused onThis could be done byKey Results
1BeigeProvide job security through stable employmentSafetyOffering permanent positionsReduce involuntary turnover by 10%
2PurpleBuild community belonging through teamsBelongingFacilitating team building activitiesIncrease team connection score by 15%
3RedReward loyalty with prestigious awardsEsteemProviding recognition for tenureIncrease 5+ year retention by 20%
4BlueClearly communicate company values and purposeOrderDefining and sharing vision and valuesImprove values awareness by 30%
5OrangeIncentivize top talent to stay via rewardsAchievementProviding bonuses and advancement opportunitiesIncrease retention of high performers by 25%
6GreenMake the workplace more inclusive and equitableEqualityImproving diversity, equity and inclusionIncrease perceived inclusion by 20%
7YellowProvide flexibility and freedom in how and where work is doneFreedomOffering flexible schedules and locationsIncrease work flexibility score by 15%
8TurquoiseFoster personal growth opportunities at workPurposeProviding development programs and sabbaticalsIncrease retention of developed employees by 40%

9. DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging)

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesThis objective is focused onThis could be done byKey Results
1BeigeProvide equal physical safety for all employeesSecurityEvaluating facilities for accessibilityReduce safety incidents by 10% across groups
2PurpleBuild community bonding opportunities across groupsBelongingFacilitating inclusive team buildingIncrease connection score equality by 15%
3RedCelebrate achievements by those from underrepresented groupsEsteemSpotlighting diversity award winnersIncrease underrepresented group award rate by 20%
4BlueStandardize equitable hiring, promotion and pay policiesOrderDocumenting consistent, fair processesAchieve statistical pay and promotion parity
5OrangeIncentivize managers to meet DEIB goalsAchievementProviding rewards for improving diversity metricsIncrease diverse hires and promotions by 25%
6GreenMake the workplace more inclusive and equitableEqualityImproving access, fairness and equityIncrease perceived inclusion by 30%
7YellowSupport flexible expression of diverse identitiesFreedomAllowing flexible self-identificationIncrease identity expression comfort by 20%
8TurquoiseConnect DEIB to the purpose of valuing all peoplePurposeCommunicating why DEIB mattersIncrease sense of belonging by 40% across groups

10. HR Compliance

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesThis objective is focused onThis could be done byKey Results
1BeigeProvide simple, clear rules and expectationsSafetyDocumenting basic workplace policiesReduce handbook violations by 10%
2PurpleBuild compliance as a community responsibilityBelongingFacilitating collective trainingIncrease training participation by 20%
3RedPraise leaders who achieve compliance goalsEsteemSpotlighting successful initiativesIncrease compliance leader awards by 15%
4BlueAlign compliance to core organizational valuesOrderLinking to values in trainingImprove compliance values recall by 30%
5OrangeIncentivize compliance through rewardsAchievementProviding bonuses for passing auditsIncrease audit performance metrics by 25%
6GreenFoster ethical, equitable compliance cultureEqualityPromoting fair and moral practicesImprove perceived ethical compliance by 20%
7YellowAllow flexibility in how guidelines are followedFreedomProviding interpretation guidanceIncrease perceived flexibility by 15%
8TurquoiseConnect guidelines to higher purposePurposeExplaining the why behind rulesIncrease compliance purpose clarity by 40%

11. Employee Wellness

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesThis objective is focused onThis could be done byKey Results
1BeigeProvide basic healthcare and time offSafetyOffering insurance and providing paid time offReduce uninsured rate by 10%
2PurpleEncourage supportive social connectionsBelongingFacilitating group activitiesIncrease teammate connection score by 15%
3RedReward participation in wellness activitiesEsteemProviding recognition and prizesIncrease wellness program enrollment by 20%
4BlueMaintain consistent wellness standardsOrderDocumenting straightforward programs and policiesEnsure 100% access to wellness offerings
5OrangeIncentivize healthy behaviors and resultsAchievementProviding health bonuses and premium discountsReduce insurance premiums by 25%
6GreenMake wellness programs inclusive and accessibleEqualityAccommodating needs and limitationsIncrease wellness program diversity by 30%
7YellowProvide flexibility in health and wellness optionsFreedomOffering alternatives and customizationIncrease personalized wellness by 20%
8TurquoiseConnect wellness to employee purpose and meaningPurposeExplaining the why behind offeringsIncrease perceived wellness value by 40%

Measurement and adjustment of OKR for HR based on Spiral Dynamics

Developing OKRs for HR through the lens of Spiral Dynamics results in objectives and key results that speak to employees' motivations at all stages of development. To measure how well HR OKRs align with Spiral Dynamics, relevant metrics from polls that track psycho-emotional dynamics can provide valuable insights. In this article, we highlight reports of constant VUCA polls by SDTEST correlating to different Spiral Dynamics stages and can be used to gauge the effectiveness of tailored HR OKRs.

1. Talent Acquisition

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesKey ResultsMatching VUCA pollsArguments for matching pollsHow VUCA polls results measure OKRHow to interpret a positive or negative change
1BeigeProvide basic safety and security needs through stable compensation and benefitsReduce voluntary turnover rate by 5%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (oo / dili)This poll shows actions taken related to job/ pay security, correlating with Beige motivations% of actions taken to reduce pay/staff would indicate risk to key resultA decrease signals less risk of turnover, while an increase signals more risk
2PurpleFoster a sense of belonging by highlighting team bonding opportunitiesIncrease team satisfaction score by 10%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (oo / dili), Pagkalainlain sa Gender sa Pagtukod sa Kaugalingon nga Pagsalig (IFD Allensbach)These polls relate to team bonds/  community, correlating with Purple values% of team events and satisfaction scores would measure progressIncreases show more bonding, decreases suggest insufficient bonding opportunities
3RedEnable achieving power and status through advancement opportunitiesIncrease internal promotions by 20%Unsang mga hiyas ug katakos ang gigamit sa maayong mga lider sa pagtukod sa malampuson nga mga koponan?This poll indicates qualities valued in leadership, correlating with Red motivations% of qualities related to power/status would indicate appeal to RedMore qualities related to power/status indicate effective Red appeals, fewer suggest insufficient Red focus
4BlueAlign recruiting process to organizational rules and normsImprove offer to acceptance ratio by 15%Mga hinungdan ngano nga ang mga tawo mihunong (ni Anna hinungdanon)Reasons related to lack of structure/ consistency correlate to Blue orderChanges in ratio would indicate if new process improves complianceIncreased ratio shows alignment to Blue values, decreased ratio indicates insufficient structure
5OrangeIncentivize top talent by offering merit-based rewardsIncrease applications from top tier talent by 30%Google. Mga hinungdan nga nakaapekto sa tim nga pagkaayoFactors related to incentives and achievement correlate to Orange motivationsIncrease in top tier applicants would show effectivenessAn increase shows rewards are attracting talent, a decrease suggests insufficient incentives
6GreenCreate an inclusive and diverse workforceIncrease diversity hires by 25%Ageism sa kareraThis poll measures perceptions of equality/ inclusion, correlating with Green valuesChanges in diversity hiring % would indicate progressPositive changes show progress on diversity hiring, negative changes indicate insufficient inclusion
7YellowProvide flexibility and autonomy in rolesReduce recruiter workload by 20% via personalized approachesAndam ka ba nga makadawat gamay nga bayad aron magtrabaho nga layo?This poll measures desire for flexibility/  freedom in work, aligning with YellowDeclines in recruiter workload through flexibility would show impactDeclines in workload indicate flexibility is being provided, increases show insufficient flexibility
8TurquoiseConnect work to a higher purposeIncrease candidate pool resonance with company purpose by 40%Asa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?This poll indicates desire to find meaning/ purpose at work, correlating with Turquoise thinkingIncreased candidate resonance with purpose would indicate effectivenessIncreases show greater purpose resonance, decreases indicate insufficient purpose communication

2. Talent Management

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesKey ResultsMatching VUCA pollsArguments for matching pollsHow VUCA polls results measure OKRHow to interpret a positive or negative change
1BeigeProvide stable and secure employmentReduce involuntary turnover by 10%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (oo / dili)This poll measures actions related to job/ pay security, aligning with Beige needsChanges in involuntary turnover rate would show impactDecreases show more excellent retention, increases signal insufficient security
2PurpleFoster strong team bonds and sense of belongingIncrease team satisfaction score by 15%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (oo / dili), Pagkalainlain sa Gender sa Pagtukod sa Kaugalingon nga Pagsalig (IFD Allensbach)These polls measure team relationships/ community, correlating with PurpleTeam satisfaction scores would indicate progressIncreases show more bonding, decreases suggest insufficient community building
3RedOffer opportunities to gain status and recognitionIncrease rate of high performers by 20%Unsang mga hiyas ug katakos ang gigamit sa maayong mga lider sa pagtukod sa malampuson nga mga koponan?This poll aligns with Red motivations around status and power% increase in high performers would show effectivenessIncreases show rewards and recognition are motivating top talent, decreases suggest insufficient Red incentives
4BlueCreate clear roles, responsibilities and processesImprove policy awareness score by 30%Mga hinungdan ngano nga ang mga tawo mihunong (ni Anna hinungdanon)Reasons related to lack of order/ consistency correlate with BlueIncreased policy awareness would indicate progressIncreases show greater process clarity, decreases signal insufficient structure
5OrangeIncentivize top talent through rewards and advancementIncrease engagement of top performers by 25%Google. Mga hinungdan nga nakaapekto sa tim nga pagkaayoFactors related to incentives and achievement correlate to OrangeIncreased engagement of top performers would indicate effectivenessIncreases show rewards engage top talent, decreases suggest insufficient incentives
6GreenMake work inclusive and accepting of all peopleImprove perceived inclusion score by 20%Ageism sa kareraThis poll measures perceptions of equality/ inclusion, aligning with GreenChanges in perceived inclusion would show progressIncreases show greater inclusion, decreases indicate insufficient equity
7YellowProvide autonomy and flexibility in how work gets doneIncrease employee autonomy score by 15%Andam ka ba nga makadawat gamay nga bayad aron magtrabaho nga layo?This poll measures the desire for flexibility/ freedom at work, correlating with YellowIncreased autonomy scores would indicate more significant flexibilityIncreases show more autonomy is being provided, decreases suggest insufficient freedom
8TurquoiseConnect employees' talents to meaningful outcomesIncrease purpose alignment score by 40%Asa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?This poll indicates a desire for meaning/ purpose at work, aligning with TurquoiseIncreased purpose alignment would show progressIncreases show greater purpose linkage, decreases indicate insufficient meaning

3. Performance Management

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesKey ResultsMatching VUCA pollsArguments for matching pollsHow VUCA polls results measure OKRHow to interpret a positive or negative change
1BeigeProvide stable expectations and evaluationsReduce negative feedback in reviews by 10%Unsa man ang naghimo sa usa ka boss nga usa ka maayo nga lider?This poll indicates preferences in leadership that provide stability, aligning with BeigeChanges in negative feedback would indicate more stable reviewsDecreases signal more predictable reviews, and increases suggest insufficient stability
2PurpleMake reviews a collaborative team processIncrease participation in peer reviews by 20%Unsa man ang naghimo sa mga tawo nga malampuson sa trabaho?This poll focuses on teamwork/ collaboration, correlating with Purple valuesIncreased peer review participation would show progressIncreases indicate more collaboration, and decreases suggest insufficient team orientation
3RedLink reviews to status, awards and recognitionIncrease reviews scored as top performer by 15%Unsang mga hiyas ug katakos ang gigamit sa maayong mga lider sa pagtukod sa malampuson nga mga koponan?This poll aligns with Red motivations around status and power% of top performer reviews would indicate effectivenessIncreases show rewards are motivating top performance, and decreases suggest insufficient incentives
4BlueConduct structured, standardized reviewsEnsure 100% review complianceMga hinungdan ngano nga ang mga tawo mihunong (ni Anna hinungdanon)Reasons related to lack of structure/ consistency correlate to Blue100% compliance would show achievement of key resultsFull compliance indicates sufficient structure, and non-compliance suggests a lack of order
5OrangeSet measurable goals tied to incentivesIncrease reviews rating exceeded goals by 25%Ang nag-unang mga prayoridad sa mga nangita sa trabahoThis poll indicates preferences for achievement and incentives, aligning with OrangeIncreased % of reviews exceeding goals would show progressIncreases show incentives are driving goal achievement, decreases suggest insufficient motivation
6GreenDeliver feedback with empathy and supportImprove perceived fairness of reviews by 30%Nagpuyo ko nga naghunahuna sa akong nangagi, karon o sa umaabotLiving in the present correlates with compassionate communication of GreenIncreased perceived fairness would indicate more empathetic deliveryIncreases show greater empathy, decreases signal insufficient compassion
7YellowCustomize reviews to individual talents and needsIncrease review creativity scores by 20%Andam ka ba nga makadawat gamay nga bayad aron magtrabaho nga layo?This poll measures the desire for customization and flexibility, correlating with YellowIncreased creativity scores would show more significant customizationIncreases indicate more personalization, decreases suggest insufficient flexibility
8TurquoiseAlign reviews to employee growth and purposeIncrease review purpose alignment score by 45%Asa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?This poll indicates a desire for meaning and purpose, aligning with TurquoiseIncreased purpose alignment scores would show progressIncreases show greater purpose linkage, decreases suggest insufficient meaning

4. Compensation & Benefits

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesKey ResultsMatching VUCA pollsArguments for matching pollsHow VUCA polls results measure OKRHow to interpret a positive or negative change
1BeigeProvide fair pay that covers basic needsReduce voluntary turnover due to pay by 10%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (oo / dili)This poll measures pay actions related to security, aligning with BeigeTurnover due to pay would indicate if needs are metDecreases signal needs are being met, increases suggest insufficient security
2PurpleMake benefits inclusive of family and dependentsIncrease family satisfaction with benefits by 15%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (kamatuoran sa%)This poll measures personnel actions relating to belonging/ familyFamily satisfaction scores would show progressIncreases indicate greater inclusion, decreases suggest insufficient belonging
3RedLink pay to status, titles and recognitionIncrease share of compensation from bonuses and incentives by 20%Unsang mga hiyas ug katakos ang gigamit sa maayong mga lider sa pagtukod sa malampuson nga mga koponan?This poll aligns with Red motivations around status and powerIncreased share from bonuses would indicate effectivenessIncreases show rewards are providing status, decreases suggest insufficient esteem
4BlueMaintain consistent, standardized pay structuresEnsure 100% pay equity complianceMga hinungdan ngano nga ang mga tawo mihunong (ni Anna hinungdanon)Reasons related to lack of structure/  consistency correlate to BlueAchieving pay equity compliance would indicate orderFull compliance shows sufficient structure, non-compliance indicates inconsistencies
5OrangePay for performance and goal achievementIncrease reviews rating exceeded goals by 25%Ang nag-unang mga prayoridad sa mga nangita sa trabahoThis poll indicates preferences for achievement and incentives, aligning with OrangeIncreased % of reviews exceeding goals would indicate effectivenessIncreases show pay driving achievement, decreases suggest insufficient motivation
6GreenEnsure compensation is fair and equitableImprove perceived pay fairness scores by 30%Ageism sa kareraThis poll measures perceptions of equality/ fairness, correlating with GreenIncreased perceived fairness would show progressIncreases indicate more significant equity, decreases suggest insufficient fairness
7YellowCustomize rewards to individual needsIncrease benefits personalization by 20%Andam ka ba nga makadawat gamay nga bayad aron magtrabaho nga layo?This poll measures the desire for customization and flexibility, aligning with YellowIncreased personalization would indicate more significant customizationIncreases show more customization is being provided, decreases indicate insufficient flexibility
8TurquoiseAlign rewards to employee growth and well-beingIncrease reviews rating compensation supports development by 40%Asa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?This poll indicates a desire for meaning/  purpose at work, correlating with TurquoiseIncreased ratings that compensation supports development would show progressIncreases show rewards are enabling growth, decreases suggest insufficient developmental support

5. Learning & Development

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesKey ResultsMatching VUCA pollsArguments for matching pollsHow VUCA polls results measure OKRHow to interpret a positive or negative change
1BeigeProvide job skills training for securityReduce skill gaps by 10%Unsa man ang naghimo sa mga tawo nga malampuson sa trabaho?This poll indicates preferences for job security, aligning with Beige motivationsReduced skills gaps would indicate more significant securityDecreases signal skills are being developed, increases suggest insufficient training
2PurpleFoster camaraderie through group trainingsIncrease training participation by 20%Unsa man ang naghimo sa mga tawo nga malampuson sa trabaho?, Pagkalainlain sa Gender sa Pagtukod sa Kaugalingon nga Pagsalig (IFD Allensbach)These polls relate to teams/community, correlating with Purple valuesIncreased participation would show progressIncreases indicate greater engagement and decreases suggest insufficient community appeal
3RedLink learning to promotions and advancementIncrease eligible candidates for promotion by 15%Unsang mga hiyas ug katakos ang gigamit sa maayong mga lider sa pagtukod sa malampuson nga mga koponan?This poll aligns with Red motivations around status and powerIncreased promotion eligibility would indicate effectivenessIncreases show training is developing leaders, decreases suggest insufficient advancement preparation
4BlueStandardize training programs company-wideEnsure 100% completion of required trainingMga hinungdan ngano nga ang mga tawo mihunong (ni Anna hinungdanon)Reasons related to lack of structure/ consistency correlate to Blue100% completion would show orderFull compliance indicates sufficient structure and lower completion suggests inconsistencies
5OrangeDevelop skills for optimal performanceIncrease performance metrics by 25%Ang nag-unang mga prayoridad sa mga nangita sa trabahoThis poll indicates preferences for achievement and results, aligning with OrangeIncreased performance metrics would show progressIncreases indicate skills are improving performance and decreases suggest an insufficient impact
6GreenMake learning inclusive and collaborativeImprove inclusion rating of training by 30%Ageism sa kareraThis poll measures perceptions of inclusion/ equality, correlating with GreenIncreased inclusion rating would indicate more equalityIncreases show greater inclusion, and decreases indicate insufficient equity
7YellowProvide self-directed learning opportunitiesIncrease self-directed learning by 20%Andam ka ba nga makadawat gamay nga bayad aron magtrabaho nga layo?, Asa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?These polls measure the desire for freedom and exploration, aligning with YellowIncreased self-directed learning would show more freedomIncreases indicate more autonomy is being provided, decreases suggest insufficient flexibility
8TurquoiseAlign learning to purpose and meaningIncrease training fulfillment score by 40%Asa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?This poll indicates a desire for purpose and meaning, correlating with TurquoiseIncreased fulfillment scores would show more significant purpose alignmentIncreases show training is more meaningful, decreases suggest insufficient purpose

6. Organizational Culture

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesKey ResultsMatching VUCA pollsArguments for matching pollsHow VUCA polls results measure OKRHow to interpret a positive or negative change
1BeigeProvide a predictable, stable work environmentReduce uncertainty perception by 10%GikahadlokanThis poll measures perceptions of safety/ stability, aligning with Beige needsReduced uncertainty would indicate increased stabilityDecreases signal greater predictability, and increases suggest insufficient stability
2PurpleBuild social solid connections and group identityIncrease connection score by 15%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (oo / dili), Pagkalainlain sa Gender sa Pagtukod sa Kaugalingon nga Pagsalig (IFD Allensbach)These polls relate to community and teams, correlating with PurpleIncreased connection scores would show progressIncreases indicate stronger bonds, decreases suggest insufficient community
3RedRecognize achievements publiclyIncrease frequency of recognition by 20%Andam ka ba nga makadawat gamay nga bayad aron magtrabaho nga layo?This poll indicates a desire for recognition, aligning with Red motivationsIncreased frequency of recognition would show effectivenessIncreases show rewards are motivating, decreases suggest insufficient praise
4BlueAlign culture to core valuesImprove values awareness by 30%Labing dako nga mga problema nga giatubang sa akong nasudThis poll measures the desire for order and principles, correlating with BlueIncreased value awareness would indicate more significant alignmentIncreases indicate values are clarified, decreases suggest insufficient structure
5OrangeFoster a competitive, results-driven cultureIncrease performance metrics by 25%Labing dako nga mga problema nga giatubang sa akong nasudThis poll indicates preferences for achievement and results, aligning with OrangeIncreased performance metrics would show a more results-driven cultureIncreases indicate greater competitiveness, decreases suggest insufficient drive
6GreenMake the culture open and inclusiveImprove inclusion rating by 20%Ageism sa kareraThis poll measures perceptions of inclusion and equality, correlating with Green valuesIncreased inclusion rating would indicate more opennessIncreases show more inclusiveness, and decreases indicate insufficient equality
7YellowProvide flexibility and freedom in how work is doneIncrease autonomy rating by 15%Andam ka ba nga makadawat gamay nga bayad aron magtrabaho nga layo?, Asa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?These polls measure the desire for freedom and flexibility, aligning with YellowIncreased autonomy ratings would show more flexibilityIncreases indicate greater autonomy, decreases suggest insufficient freedom
8TurquoiseConnect work culture to higher purposeIncrease sense of purpose at work by 40%Asa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?This poll indicates a desire for purpose and meaning, correlating with TurquoiseIncreased sense of purpose would show more significant alignmentIncreases show more meaningful work, and decreases suggest insufficient purpose

7. Employee Relations

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesKey ResultsMatching VUCA pollsArguments for matching pollsHow VUCA polls results measure OKRHow to interpret a positive or negative change
1BeigeProvide basic security through apparent workplace policiesReduce policy violations by 10%Unsa man ang naghimo sa usa ka boss nga usa ka maayo nga lider?This poll indicates preferences for clear policies, aligning with Beige needs for stabilityReduced violations would show more significant policy adherenceDecreases indicate greater compliance, increases suggest insufficient clarity
2PurpleFoster close connections between co-workersIncrease teammate connection score by 15%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (oo / dili), Pagkalainlain sa Gender sa Pagtukod sa Kaugalingon nga Pagsalig (IFD Allensbach)These polls relate to teams and bonds, correlating with Purple valuesIncreased connection scores would indicate progressIncreases show stronger relationships, decreases suggest insufficient community
3RedPraise leaders publicly for resolving conflictsIncrease conflict resolution success by 20%Unsang mga hiyas ug katakos ang gigamit sa maayong mga lider sa pagtukod sa malampuson nga mga koponan?This poll aligns with Red motivations around status and powerIncreased success rate would show more effective leadersIncreases indicate rewards are motivating better leadership, decreases suggest insufficient praise
4BlueAlign conflict resolution process to core valuesResolve 90% of conflicts within policyMga hinungdan ngano nga ang mga tawo mihunong (ni Anna hinungdanon)Reasons related to lack of structure/ consistency correlate to BlueAchieving 90% resolution alignment would show orderHigher alignment shows process is structured; lower alignment indicates insufficient consistency
5Orangencentivize managers to minimise conflictsReduce complaints by 25%Ang nag-unang mga prayoridad sa mga nangita sa trabahoThis poll indicates preferences for incentives and results, aligning with OrangeDecreased complaints would show more significant minimization of conflictsDecreases indicate incentives are effective; increases suggest insufficient motivation
6GreenResolve conflicts through open communicationIncrease perceived conflict fairness by 30%Nagpuyo ko nga naghunahuna sa akong nangagi, karon o sa umaabotLiving in the present correlates with open, compassionate communication per Green valuesIncreased perceived fairness would indicate more open communicationIncreases show communication is improving; decreases indicate insufficient dialog
7YellowCustomize resolution process to individual conflictsIncrease satisfaction with the resolution process by 20%Andam ka ba nga makadawat gamay nga bayad aron magtrabaho nga layo?This poll measures desire for customization and flexibility, correlating with YellowIncreased satisfaction would show more tailoring to situationsIncreases indicate greater customization, decreases suggest insufficient flexibility
8TurquoiseTreat conflict resolution as opportunities for growthIncrease the perceived value in resolutions by 40%Asa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?This poll indicates a desire for meaning and purpose, aligning with TurquoiseIncreased perceived value would show more significant growth orientationIncreases show conflicts are seen as learning opportunities, decreases suggest an insufficient perspective change

8. Employee Retention

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesKey ResultsMatching VUCA pollsArguments for matching pollsHow VUCA polls results measure OKRHow to interpret a positive or negative change
1BeigeProvide job security through stable employmentReduce involuntary turnover by 10%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (oo / dili)This poll measures job/ pay security actions, aligning with Beige needsReduced involuntary turnover would show more significant retentionDecreases indicate greater security, and increases suggest insufficient stability
2PurpleBuild community belonging through teamsIncrease team connection score by 15%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (oo / dili), Pagkalainlain sa Gender sa Pagtukod sa Kaugalingon nga Pagsalig (IFD Allensbach)These polls relate to teams/ community, correlating with Purple valuesIncreased connection scores would indicate more significant belongingIncreases show stronger bonds, decreases suggest insufficient community
3RedReward loyalty with prestigious awardsIncrease 5+ year retention by 20%Andam ka ba nga makadawat gamay nga bayad aron magtrabaho nga layo?This poll indicates a desire for recognition, aligning with Red motivationsIncreased 5+ year retention would show rewards are effectiveIncreases indicate awards are incentivizing loyalty, decreases suggest insufficient prestige
4BlueClearly communicate company values and purposeImprove values awareness by 30%Labing dako nga mga problema nga giatubang sa akong nasudThis poll measures the desire for order and principles, correlating with BlueIncreased values awareness would show more significant communicationIncreases indicate values are clarified, decreases suggest insufficient messaging
5OrangeIncentivize top talent to stay via rewardsIncrease retention of high performers by 25%Ang nag-unang mga prayoridad sa mga nangita sa trabahoThis poll indicates preferences for incentives and advancement, aligning with OrangeIncreased retention of high performers would show incentives are workingIncreases show rewards are compelling, decreases suggest insufficient motivation
6GreenMake the workplace more inclusive and equitableIncrease perceived inclusion by 20%Ageism sa kareraThis poll measures perceptions of inclusion/ equality, correlating with Green valuesIncreased perceived inclusion would indicate a more inclusive cultureIncreases show more significant equity, and decreases indicate insufficient fairness
7YellowProvide flexibility and freedom in how and where work is doneIncrease work flexibility score by 15%Andam ka ba nga makadawat gamay nga bayad aron magtrabaho nga layo?, Asa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?These polls measure the desire for freedom and flexibility, aligning with YellowIncreased flexibility scores would show more freedomIncreases indicate more autonomy, decreases suggest insufficient options
8TurquoiseFoster personal growth opportunities at workIncrease retention of developed employees by 40%Asa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?This poll indicates a desire for purpose and meaning, correlating with TurquoiseIncreased retention of developed employees would show opportunities are effectiveIncreases show growth is being supported, decreases indicate insufficient development

9. DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging)

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesKey ResultsMatching VUCA pollsArguments for matching pollsHow VUCA polls results measure OKRHow to interpret a positive or negative change
1BeigeProvide equal physical safety for all employeesReduce safety incidents by 10% across groupsUnsa man ang naghimo sa mga tawo nga malampuson sa trabaho?This poll indicates preferences for physical safety/ security, aligning with BeigeReduced safety incidents would show increased securityDecreases indicate more significant equity in safety, and increases suggest insufficient protection
2PurpleBuild community bonding opportunities across groupsIncrease connection score equality by 15%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (oo / dili), Pagkalainlain sa Gender sa Pagtukod sa Kaugalingon nga Pagsalig (IFD Allensbach)These polls relate to community/team bonds, correlating with Purple valuesIncreased connection equality would show more inclusive bondsIncreases indicate stronger cross-group relationships, decreases suggest insufficient integration
3RedCelebrate achievements by those from underrepresented groupsIncrease underrepresented group award rate by 20%Unsang mga hiyas ug katakos ang gigamit sa maayong mga lider sa pagtukod sa malampuson nga mga koponan?This poll aligns with Red motivations around status and powerIncreased award rate would show more representationIncreases indicate rewards are motivating equity in recognition, decreases suggest insufficient praise
4BlueStandardize equitable hiring, promotion and pay policiesAchieve statistical pay and promotion parityMga hinungdan ngano nga ang mga tawo mihunong (ni Anna hinungdanon)Reasons related to lack of structure/ consistency correlate to BlueAchieving statistical parity would indicate standardized policiesParity shows sufficient formalization, disparities indicate inconsistencies
5OrangeIncentivize managers to meet DEIB goalsIncrease diverse hires and promotions by 25%Ageism sa kareraThis poll measures achievement around inclusion and diversity, aligning with OrangeIncreased diverse hires and promotions would show incentives are effectiveIncreases indicate rewards are furthering equity, decreases suggest insufficient motivation
6GreenMake the workplace more inclusive and equitableIncrease perceived inclusion by 30%Ageism sa kareraThis poll measures perceptions of inclusion and equality, correlating with Green valuesIncreased perceived inclusion would show a more inclusive cultureIncreases indicate more significant equity, decreases suggest insufficient fairness
7YellowSupport flexible expression of diverse identitiesIncrease identity expression comfort by 20%Andam ka ba nga makadawat gamay nga bayad aron magtrabaho nga layo?This poll measures the desire for freedom/ flexibility, aligning with YellowIncreased comfort would indicate more support for expressionIncreases show greater ability to self-identify, decreases indicate insufficient psychological safety
8TurquoiseConnect DEIB to the purpose of valuing all peopleIncrease sense of belonging by 40% across groupsAsa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?This poll indicates a desire for purpose/ meaning, correlating with TurquoiseIncreased belonging would show more significant perceived valueIncreases indicate people feel more valued, and decreases suggest insufficient messaging on shared humanity

10. HR Compliance

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesKey ResultsMatching VUCA pollsArguments for matching pollsHow VUCA polls results measure OKRHow to interpret a positive or negative change
1BeigeProvide simple, clear rules and expectationsReduce handbook violations by 10%Unsa man ang naghimo sa usa ka boss nga usa ka maayo nga lider?This poll indicates a preference for clear policies, aligning with Beige needs for stabilityDecreased violations would show more significant adherenceDecreases indicate greater compliance, increases suggest insufficient clarity
2PurpleBuild compliance as a community responsibilityIncrease training participation by 20%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (oo / dili), Pagkalainlain sa Gender sa Pagtukod sa Kaugalingon nga Pagsalig (IFD Allensbach)These polls relate to teams/community, correlating with Purple valuesIncreased participation would indicate more significant community buy-inIncreases show shared commitment and decreases suggest insufficient group engagement
3RedPraise leaders who achieve compliance goalsIncrease compliance leader awards by 15%Unsang mga hiyas ug katakos ang gigamit sa maayong mga lider sa pagtukod sa malampuson nga mga koponan?This poll aligns with Red motivations around status and powerMore awards would show effective compliance leadershipIncreases indicate rewards are furthering success, decreases suggest insufficient praise
4BlueAlign compliance to core organizational valuesImprove compliance values recall by 30%Labing dako nga mga problema nga giatubang sa akong nasudThis poll measures desire for order/ principles, correlating with BlueImproved recall would show greater value alignmentIncreases indicate more vital value linkage, decreases suggest insufficient messaging
5OrangeIncentivize compliance through rewardsIncrease audit performance metrics by 25%Labing dako nga mga problema nga giatubang sa akong nasudThis poll indicates preferences for incentives/ results, aligning with OrangeImproved audit metrics would show incentives are effectiveIncreases indicate rewards for further compliance, decreases suggest insufficient motivation
6GreenFoster ethical, equitable compliance cultureImprove perceived ethical compliance by 20%Nagpuyo ko nga naghunahuna sa akong nangagi, karon o sa umaabotLiving in the present correlates to ethical, compassionate practices per GreenIncreased perceived ethics would show a more equitable cultureIncreases indicate greater morality, decreases suggest insufficient justice
7YellowAllow flexibility in how guidelines are followedIncrease perceived flexibility by 15%Andam ka ba nga makadawat gamay nga bayad aron magtrabaho nga layo?This poll measures the desire for flexibility/  freedom, correlating with YellowIncreased perceived flexibility would indicate more freedomIncreases show more autonomy, and decreases indicate insufficient options
8TurquoiseConnect guidelines to higher purposeIncrease compliance purpose clarity by 40%Asa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?This poll indicates a desire for purpose/  meaning, aligning with TurquoiseIncreased purpose clarity would show greater connections madeIncreases indicate people understand the why, decreases suggest insufficient messaging

11. Employee Wellness

#Stage of
Spiral Dynamics
Spiral Dynamics ObjectivesKey ResultsMatching VUCA pollsArguments for matching pollsHow VUCA polls results measure OKRHow to interpret a positive or negative change
1BeigeProvide basic healthcare and time offReduce uninsured rate by 10%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (oo / dili)This poll measures job security actions, aligning with Beige safety needsDecreased uninsured rate would indicate basic needs metDeclines indicate more excellent coverage, increases suggest insufficient security
2PurpleEncourage supportive social connectionsIncrease teammate connection score by 15%Mga aksyon sa mga kompanya nga may kalabutan sa mga kawani sa miaging bulan (oo / dili), Pagkalainlain sa Gender sa Pagtukod sa Kaugalingon nga Pagsalig (IFD Allensbach)These polls relate to community/ teams, correlating with Purple valuesIncreased connection scores would show more supportive connectionsIncreases indicate more excellent bonding, decreases suggest insufficient comradery
3RedReward participation in wellness activitiesIncrease wellness program enrollment by 20%Unsa man ang imong buhaton karong semanaha aron maatiman ang imong kahimsog sa pangisip?This poll indicates wellness actions correlating with Red motivations for recognitionIncreased enrollment would show rewards are effectiveIncreases show incentives work, decreases suggest insufficient prestige
4BlueMaintain consistent wellness standardsEnsure 100% access to wellness offeringsLabing dako nga mga problema nga giatubang sa akong nasudThis poll measures desire for order/ principles, aligning with Blue100% access would indicate maintained standardsFull access shows consistency; gaps in access indicate variability
5OrangeIncentivize healthy behaviors and resultsReduce insurance premiums by 25%Ang nag-unang mga prayoridad sa mga nangita sa trabahoThis poll indicates preferences for incentives and results, aligning with OrangeDecreased premiums would show incentives promote healthDeclines indicate rewards for further wellness, increases suggest insufficient motivation
6GreenMake wellness programs inclusive and accessibleIncrease wellness program diversity by 30%Ageism sa kareraThis poll measures perceptions of inclusion and accessibility, correlating with Green valuesIncreased diversity would indicate more inclusionIncreases show more significant equity, and decreases indicate insufficient accessibility
7YellowProvide flexibility in health and wellness optionsIncrease personalized wellness by 20%Andam ka ba nga makadawat gamay nga bayad aron magtrabaho nga layo?This poll measures the desire for flexibility/ freedom, aligning with YellowIncreased personalization would indicate more optionsIncreases show greater customization, decreases suggest insufficient choices
8TurquoiseConnect wellness to employee purpose and meaningIncrease perceived wellness value by 40%Asa ang imong sunod nga labing kulbahinam nga oportunidad?This poll indicates a desire for purpose/  meaning, correlating with TurquoiseIncreased perceived value would show greater connections to purposeIncreases indicate people see the relevance, decreases suggest insufficient meaning


Developing HR OKRs aligned to Spiral Dynamics stages ensures objectives that speak to employee motivations across the developmental spectrum. This results in greater employee engagement, as HR initiatives resonate with and meet the needs of diverse mindsets and values. Measuring results and trends in psycho-emotional dynamics via relevant polls provides insight into how well HR initiatives engage different groups. This allows for adjustment as needed to optimize motivation.

The essential advantage of incorporating Spiral Dynamics into HR goal setting and measurement is the ability to create a comprehensive set of objectives tailored to each level of human development. This approach allows HR to execute integrated initiatives that align, motivate, and engage the workforce.

By tapping into the core motivations at each stage, HR can craft messages, incentives, and experiences that speak to employees intrinsically. This builds a sense of meaning and purpose across the organization. With employees united around shared objectives aligned to their values, engagement and performance improve.

Organizations can build a high productivity and achievement culture when all employees feel valued and empowered to contribute at their full potential. By applying Spiral Dynamics to guide HR strategy, goals, and metrics, organizations can execute tailored plans that successfully meet the needs of a multidimensional workforce. This drives higher performance, satisfaction, and organizational success by leveraging the strengths of the entire employee population.

Resources/ References

Want to learn more about applying Spiral Dynamics and OKRs to HR and business strategy? 

Check out these resources:

  • The SDTEST website has articles, tools related to the Spiral Dynamics framework:
  • Workboard provides resources on best practices for setting and managing OKRs:
  • Brian Halligan and Casey Eande originally defined the OKR goal-setting approach in their book Measure What Matters:
  • Robert Kaplan and David Norton introduced the Balanced Scorecard methodology in The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action.

Valerii Kesenko
Tag-iya sa Produkto SaaS SDTEST®

Si Valerii kuwalipikado isip usa ka social pedagogue-psychologist niadtong 1993 ug sukad niadto migamit sa iyang kahibalo sa pagdumala sa proyekto.
Nakakuha si Valerii og Master's degree ug ang kwalipikasyon sa project ug program manager sa 2013. Atol sa iyang Master's program, nasinati niya ang Project Roadmap (GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e. V.) ug Spiral Dynamics.
Si Valerii ang tagsulat sa pagsuhid sa kawalay kasiguruhan sa V.U.C.A. konsepto gamit ang Spiral Dynamics ug mathematical statistics sa psychology, ug 38 international polls.
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