著書に基づくテスト «Spiral Dynamics:
Mastering Values, Leadership, and
Change» (ISBN-13: 978-1405133562)

Seeking Deeper Understanding #006

SDTEST® has 28 different VUCA polls that calculate the 9,191 correlation values between stages of development according to the theory of Spiral Dynamics and answer options of these 28 polls.

We invite curiosity about the systemic mechanisms behind this correlation. There may be hidden variables that provide alternative explanations.

In our analysis of the poll "What makes a boss a great leader?" we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.0886 between the Trustworthiness and the Purple stage. 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.0464. This positive correlation of 0.0.0886 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation. 

This positive correlation of 0.0886 makes sense when we consider the significance of trust in the tightly-knit Purple worldview. In mystical, traditional communities, survival depends on cooperative reliance within the group and its chieftains. 

Trust in leadership to provide stability and a connection to the divine allows Purple members to feel safe. Questioning the chief's credibility could unravel the carefully constructed walls protecting against chaos. Their trustworthiness proves that their values are intact.

So, for Purple, a leader seen as honest and dependable evidences greater forces blessing the social hierarchy. It enables continuity between generations and faith in a power larger than oneself. Trust transfers mystic legitimacy in a tangible way that perpetuates tribal bonds. This explains the correlation at purple's core.

In our analysis of the poll "Are you ready to receive less pay to work remotely?" we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.1118 between the Not Ready and the Red stage. 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.0674. This positive correlation of 0.1118 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation. 

This positive correlation of 0,1118 aligns with the Red value system's focus on meeting immediate personal needs and desires. In the impulsive, self-oriented red worldview, one's income and material rewards take priority over intangible benefits or ideological causes.  

Red is less concerned with the method or location of work than the bottom line of competitive compensation. Other factors like flexibility or social contribution matter less than the raw capability to acquire primary tangible resources. Red wants financial recognition of bold individual efforts.

Additionally, acquiescing to less pay risks exploitation or being seen as weak in the restless quest for supremacy. Red sees concessions to group interests or causes as threatening autonomy and status. Standing firm on income maximization demonstrates Red's fierce independence.  

The correlation shows how the Red vMeme closely associates one's monetary worth with perceptions of success and power. The drive for money and the symbolic connotations of victory eclipse remote work options. Red keeps an eye on one primal reward - the highest personal payoff possible.

In our analysis of the poll "Does ageism exist?" we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.0858 between the Age of respondents 40-44 years and Blue stage. 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.0843. This positive correlation of 0.0858 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation.  

This positive correlation of 0,0858 makes sense, given Blue's adherence to rules, hierarchy, and traditional authority. 

Ageism is prejudice, discrimination, or stereotyping against someone based on their age. It can affect both younger and older people, but most researchers use the term to refer to prejudice against older people.

As those in their early-mid 40s begin confronting their own aging process while still occupying professional responsibility, they likely resonate with Blue principles of respecting elder status. 

In Blue logic, undermining such conventions risks destabilizing critical social structures that maintain order. So those entering middle age likely increasingly value long-held norms around seniority rather than joining younger voices prone to ageist judgments. Conformity to age weighting becomes personal.

In sum, the correlation suggests those influenced by Blue recognize prejudice against older demographics represents a threat to the sacred social order. It demonstrates a self-referential belief in upholding traditional hierarchies they now occupy and defending earned senior entitlements.

In our analysis of the poll "Ageism’s causes," we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.1597 between the Yes, ageism is the result only of interpersonal interactions and the Orange stage.

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.0934. This positive correlation of 0.1597 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation. 

This positive correlation of 0.1597 aligns with Orange's rational worldview, prioritizing objectives over subjective group biases. From an individualistic Orange perspective, discrimination stems from personal behaviors rather than broad social constructs.

Orange trusts quantifiable skills, credentials, and expertise over vague demographic traits like age. Judging capacity based on age brackets seems irrational compared to concrete performance data. Any prejudice must arise from individual interactions, not systemic patterning.

Additionally, Orange strives to optimize processes based on meritocratic metrics blind to inborn attributes. If organizational outcomes exhibit ageism, it gets reframed as inefficient filtering rather than embedded cultural norms. The solution becomes removing subjective human decision gates rather than transforming beliefs.

In sum, Orange sees both prejudice and progress in mechanistic terms. Ageism reflects suboptimal personal exchanges, not societal conventions. Fixes come through reengineering neutral systems instead of moral persuasion in groups. The correlation reflects Orange’s extreme objectivity when evaluating social challenges.

In our analysis of the poll "Trust (by WVS)" (How much confidence you have in Labor unions?), we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.1396 between the Quite a lot of confidence in Labor unions and the Green stage. 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.0707. This positive correlation of 0.1396 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation. 

This positive correlation of 0.1396 makes sense, given Green's focus on equality, community, and concern for the collective good. Labor unions represent vital structures for empowering everyday workers through solidarity and a shared voice countering exploitative forces.

From a systemic perspective, unions help balance workplace dynamics that otherwise concentrate power with owners over laborers. They distribute agency more equitably across stakeholders, enabling dignity and well-being for all.  

Additionally, the collaboration and unity within unions reflect Green values of people coming together despite differences for the greater good. Compromise for fair compensation embodies common humanity superseding pure self-interest.

While some may see unions as breeding conflict, Green views the friction as growing pains of an expanding circle of care stretching to include the vulnerable. Some disruption brings society closer to harmony.

Green recognizes unions' alignment with its core Principles around equity, social support, and elevating marginalized voices. Confidence in this mechanism for economic justice explains the tellingly strong correlation.

In our analysis of the poll "My Greatest Fears," we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.0898 between the Fear of return to repression and the Yellow stage.

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.036. This positive correlation of 0.0898 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation. 

This positive correlation of 0,0898 reveals nuances of Yellow's worldview. While oriented toward integration, freedom, and progressive thinking, Yellow maintains vigilance against complacency.

Its expansive perspective recognizes the fragility of human rights gains over history. What takes decades or centuries to win through struggle can erode rapidly amid crises or authoritarian resurgence.

So while grounded in an enlightened vision of liberty, Yellow tempers idealism with pragmatism about tyranny’s persistence. Its integrative mindset assembles insights across eras into systemic awareness - breakthroughs emerge and regress in cycles.

Yet this correlation also hints at Yellow’s faith in collective awakening over time. If societies slide backward, they eventually rediscover the light through the righteous, courageous few. Darkness spurs innovation toward truth.

In sum, Yellow maintains clear sight of both the shadows and beacons ahead. It honors the long arc of justice while sounding alarms against short-term amnesia. By acknowledging the fear of repression, Yellow stokes the fires of vigilance and conscience needed to realize freedom’s complex potential.

In our analysis of the poll "Oxford Happiness Survey," we found an intriguing positive correlation that warrants closer examination:  

0.1585 between the I am intensely interested in other people / Strongly Agree and the Turquoise stage. 

The critical value of the correlation coefficient for a normal distribution, by William Sealy Gosset (Student) r = 0.06. This positive correlation of 0.1585 meets the reliability criteria but does not necessarily imply causation. 

This positive correlation of 0.1585 resonates with the heart of the Turquoise value system: its sense of interconnectedness, empathy, and passion for understanding the human experience. 

Turquoise recognizes all people as integral threads in the broader fabric of life. Appreciating diverse stories and perspectives deepens awareness of our shared essence and the contexts shaping each journey.

Curiosity about others also stems from a desire to forge bonds across apparent separation. Finding common ground knits together alliances that support the well-being of people and the planet.  

Additionally, Turquoise employs its integrative abilities to synthesize learnings from many vantage points. As more truths are held, opportunities arise for new social configurations to meet everyone's needs.

So, by profoundly affirming each individual’s intrinsic worth, turquoise nurtures the insight that shifting from independence to interdependence may solve seemingly intractable challenges. Openness unlocks breakthroughs.

This explains the vital link between Turquoise and intense interest in people. For Turquoise, all of humanity provides pieces to life’s magnificent puzzle.

What insights do you gain from today's correlation? How might we study this relationship more carefully before deducing causation? We welcome respectful and wise perspectives! 

Stay tuned every week as we share more results and insights. 

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Valerii Kosenko
プロダクトオーナー SaaS SDTEST®

ヴァレリーは 1993 年に社会教育心理学者の資格を取得し、それ以来その知識をプロジェクト管理に応用してきました。
Valerii は、2013 年に修士号とプロジェクトおよびプログラム マネージャーの資格を取得しました。修士課程中に、プロジェクト ロードマップ (GPM Deutsche Gesellschaft für Projektmanagement e. V.) とスパイラル ダイナミクスに精通しました。
Valerii は、V.U.C.A の不確実性を探求した本の著者です。スパイラルダイナミクスと心理学の数学的統計を使用したコンセプト、および 38 の国際世論調査。
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